Saturday, September 13, 2014

The Fault In Our Stars Review

5/5 ☆☆☆☆☆

Emotionally damaged.
I have been I have been utterly and irreversibly damaged emotionally by John Green 
and the characters of this absolutely wonderful novel.
but seriously

I do not care what you think you know about love or
 if you think that Bella and Edward had an amazing love story or
 even if you think that the story of Romeo and Juliet was a tragedy
because if you do then you are a fool.
Sorry but that is the truth. 

Hazel Grace is a sixteen year old girl who just happens to have cancer 
and although she's been given this miracle - the miracle being that the test drug that has been 
given to her has hardly worked on anyone, yet for some reason worked on her 
now extending her life by ... oohhh I don't know, but still longer than it would have been while she was lying on her death bed drowning from the liquid filling her lungs- she is still what she calls herself a grenade. 
Any day could be her last and thus she distance herself from others in hopes of lessening the damage 
she will create when her time comes. She keeps to herself, mostly, and her best friend is An Imperial Affliction - her favorite book.
That is until she meets Augustus Waters, a seventeen year old cancer survivor,
 at one of her support group meetings. 
Hazel Grace and Augustus Waters develop this beautiful relationship and together they 
embark on an amazing journey through this fantastic roller-coaster ride called life along with all of it's 
side affects.

Natasha Blaxk 

Friday, September 5, 2014

Uglies Review


In a world where everyone gets to become pretty at the age of sixteen,
where everyone undergoes surgery to become the ideal image of beauty
and no one - except those who are underage - has to deal with 
the harshness of being ugly, 
how could anything possibly go wrong?

Tally Youngblood can not wait until her sixteenth birthday to finally have the operation
 so that she can be with her friend Perish in New Pretty Town
where all the new pretties live. 
Where everyone has big eyes, plump lips and high cheek bones and perfect skin. 
In New Pretty Town everyone's only job is to have fun.
It's been Tally's dream for as long as she can remember 
and in only a few weeks she'll be there partying with all her old friends
who have already gotten the operation.
All she has to do is keep out of trouble for a few more weeks
and she and Perish - her best friend - will be together again. 

Except Tally's new friend, Shay, doesn't want to become pretty.
She's convinced that the operation takes away more than just your ugly features.
Days before their birthday Shay decides to runaway
and take her chances outside the city to live
among other uglies who, like her, refuses to be made pretty.

When Tally is taken to New Pretty Town for her operation
she's exposed to a very ugly side of the pretties
working in special circumstances and  is given an ultimatum:
Find Shay and turn her and the other runaways in,
or stay ugly forever.


This book really shows how obsessed society is with looking a certain way.
It shows how cruel we can be to one another just because someone simply looks or acts different.
We give each other nicknames that point out our flaws just like the characters in the book
for example: Stick, Squint, Nose etc.
We make ourselves believe we are nothing because we are "ugly"
and most of us would risk our lives by going under the knife
and go through a massive surgery just to become "pretty",
to become accepted, without fully understanding
that we are just being brainwashed into thinking a certain way.
Being tricked into thinking that big eyes, a thin nose and full lips and a certain height
is what makes a person pretty.
I've read a few reviews before finally reading this book
and a few of the people who wrote them were upset because they
felt that this type of society is unbelievable, but I disagree.
 If you pay attention you can see how society judges people who look different
and they're telling people they have to look a certain way to be beautiful
and there are many people out there who would do anything
just to become "pretty".

Maybe if more of those people can read this book
or books similar to this they can see how wrong they are
and change some of their minds.

Natasha Blaxk

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Possession Review


Once again we find ourselves in a controlled society where not everything is as it appears.
We have goodies who aren't really good,
Baddies who really aren't that bad,
Thinkers who can get into or control people's mind,
Creepy robots, and
A rebellion on the rise.

Walking with a boy 
Out past curfew
Wearing contraband
Not plugging in to her transmission at night
and Cutting and dying her hair

Yeah Vi has always been a rule breaker
A free thinker

You'd think that would be a good thing right?
(Being a free thinker I mean, not a rule breaker.)
Not in the City of Water.

Violet has gotten up to seven offenses.
It's off to prison for Vi after being spotted past curfew with a boy-
 even if he is her match or that Zenn is as good as they come. 

While in prison she meets Jag. 
A baddie.
 Probably the worse kind with his tanned skin and jet black hair.
You can tell, just by looking at him that he's a rule breaker.

At first Violet could not stand Jag
but soon they learn to depend on one another
and develop a close bond. 
They have to stay together to survive
But can she really trust a baddie?  
With all the lies, half truths, spies and betrayal
it's a wonder she can trust her self.

I loved this story
but damn 

Come on! There could have at least been a little more creativity with the names here.
Oh well what's done is done.
The main reason why I love this book is because
Violent is a very strong  free thinking individual.
She refuses to be controlled and put into a category.

She's presented with many choices:
duty or death
Zenn or Jag
Left or right 
control or don't control
alone or together

But it seems to me that Violet is always fighting for a third option
 because she understands that not everything is either good or bad.
Somethings just don't fit in either category.
I also love how Jag isn't one of those guys who hides behind a mask - at least when it comes to Vi.
 The fact that he cries in front of her or let's her see when he's vulnerable has got to be the sweetest thing ever. Even if he is supposed to be this big bad ...Badie?

Natasha Blaxk