5/5 ☆☆☆☆☆
[Excuse me while I do my best Kenzi (lost girl) Impression]
Lap dances, strippers, escorts, oh my!
Vampires, blood, sex, oooh my...
Masters, blood slaves, corruption, ooh crap balls!
The Nightlife: New York by Travis Luedke is exciting, violent and sexy!
This violently sexy story introduces us to Aaron Pilan, a young man who has been emotionally neglected by both his estranged mother and ex-girlfriend.
His only friends are Delia , a bratty and selfish ex, and his roommate Kyle.
Aaron lives his life day to day and has depressingly fallen into a routine of work, buying beer for his friends, pining over his ex.
His only friends are Delia , a bratty and selfish ex, and his roommate Kyle.
Aaron lives his life day to day and has depressingly fallen into a routine of work, buying beer for his friends, pining over his ex.
His life sort of resembles that of Wesley Gibson from the movie Wanted.
If you saw the movie then you know that
If you saw the movie then you know that
Wesley had a depressing life of:
lousy job
bitchy girlfriend
shitty friend
eat, sleep, shit
and if he was lucky things got really exciting
when his body decides to give him a good ol panic attack.
lousy job
bitchy girlfriend
shitty friend
eat, sleep, shit
and if he was lucky things got really exciting
when his body decides to give him a good ol panic attack.
So, yeah... basically he was a flat out loser.
Until fate put him in the path of the most beautiful woman he has ever seen.
For Wesley it was a smoking hot female named Fox.
For Aaron it was the beautiful Michelle.
For Wesley it was a smoking hot female named Fox.
For Aaron it was the beautiful Michelle.
Turns out Michelle is a vampire.
Aaron's first encounter with Michelle leads to him getting shot
after she is forced to defend herself against two disgusting and corrupt cops.
She briefly considers leaving him to die but his attempt to
save her from the other two men made her feel a bit
responsible for him being injured.
Guilt gets the better of her
and she decides to do what she promised herself
she would never do.

after she is forced to defend herself against two disgusting and corrupt cops.
She briefly considers leaving him to die but his attempt to
save her from the other two men made her feel a bit
responsible for him being injured.
Guilt gets the better of her
and she decides to do what she promised herself
she would never do.
She saves his life, although by doing so
she has not only turned him into what she is,
but has also bound him to her for eternity
- a lifetime of servitude.
she has not only turned him into what she is,
but has also bound him to her for eternity
- a lifetime of servitude.
She may be his master and he her servant,
but to Aaron being bound to his savior is the best thing that could ever happen to him.
Even if that does mean leaving everything he knows behind
Or that she is probably a bit psychotic.

yet he couldn't imagine a life without her.

and soon learns to love his
new life with Michelle
but things go downhill pretty fast for our vampiric duo
when a couple of corrupt cops are out for revenge against Michelle
and Delia's jealously kicks in
but Michelle's quick and violent temper and trust issues might be the real threat.

Natasha Blaxk
Thanks for a wonderful review! Much appreciated.