2.5/5 ☆☆
The only reason why this book got two and a half stars is
because the main character, Cassie Wild, actually knew how to defend herself
and isn't a pathetic child how needs a guy to protect her every two seconds.
because the main character, Cassie Wild, actually knew how to defend herself
and isn't a pathetic child how needs a guy to protect her every two seconds.
She's brave,
She's a black belt
and daddy taught her how to use a gun!
and daddy taught her how to use a gun!

The book was was okay.
It wasn't a complete loss. I liked it enough to not gag.
It wasn't a complete loss. I liked it enough to not gag.
It was an easy read and it is definitely the type of book you read
if you just want to sit back and relax.
if you just want to sit back and relax.
The story line isn't too complicated and it won't give you a major headache
and the fighting scenes aren't so graphic that they will give you nightmares
if you decided to read this before bed.
The lack of zombie activity seriously made me want to beat the crap out of the book
but that's a big no, no since I was reading it my nook
and I kind of love my nook.
Usually at the beginning of a zombie apocalypse the world is
kind of overruned by hungry and vicious zombies not these lameos.
I was expecting a lot more chaos than this.
[[Yeah, I said lameos]]
and the fighting scenes aren't so graphic that they will give you nightmares
if you decided to read this before bed.
The lack of zombie activity seriously made me want to beat the crap out of the book
but that's a big no, no since I was reading it my nook
and I kind of love my nook.
Usually at the beginning of a zombie apocalypse the world is
kind of overruned by hungry and vicious zombies not these lameos.
I was expecting a lot more chaos than this.
[[Yeah, I said lameos]]
I was also really looking forward to the romance between Cassie and Bryce
but it got really annoying with Eva (the local queen bitch) throwing herself
at him every two seconds and I hardy doubt that any guy is as dumb
as he is to not understand what is going on.
One minute he's all "I really like you blah blah blah"
to Cassie and the next he's letting the little trap hang all over him
to Cassie and the next he's letting the little trap hang all over him

Seriously the girl has more self control then I do because if that was my guy
Eva would be taking a few lessons on
personal space...

Then there is this random solider who only knew Cassie for like five seconds
and he's obsessed with keeping her safe
-as if she wasn't capable of doing it herself.
I swear when I get to the next book, if I find myself reading about
another obsessed guy bending over backwards to protect Cassie
because she is a girl or because she is cute,
another obsessed guy bending over backwards to protect Cassie
because she is a girl or because she is cute,
even though she can pretty much take on half the people in her group,
I am going to go on a craze rant about how completely idiotic and pointless
all the male characters in this book are and not even bother to continue reading
the series and just
all the male characters in this book are and not even bother to continue reading
the series and just

I have read better zombie novel but when it comes to a series
you can't always judge it by only the first book
so hopefully the next books will be filled with a lot more action.
This is after all the end of the world
.... right?
you can't always judge it by only the first book
so hopefully the next books will be filled with a lot more action.
This is after all the end of the world
.... right?

Natasha Blaxk
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