5/5 ☆☆☆☆☆
Emotionally damaged.
I have been I have been utterly and irreversibly damaged emotionally by John Green
and the characters of this absolutely wonderful novel.
but seriously

I do not care what you think you know about love or
if you think that Bella and Edward had an amazing love story or
even if you think that the story of Romeo and Juliet was a tragedy
because if you do then you are a fool.
Sorry but that is the truth.
Hazel Grace is a sixteen year old girl who just happens to have cancer
and although she's been given this miracle - the miracle being that the test drug that has been
given to her has hardly worked on anyone, yet for some reason worked on her
now extending her life by ... oohhh I don't know, but still longer than it would have been while she was lying on her death bed drowning from the liquid filling her lungs- she is still what she calls herself a grenade.
Any day could be her last and thus she distance herself from others in hopes of lessening the damage
she will create when her time comes. She keeps to herself, mostly, and her best friend is An Imperial Affliction - her favorite book.
That is until she meets Augustus Waters, a seventeen year old cancer survivor,
at one of her support group meetings.
Hazel Grace and Augustus Waters develop this beautiful relationship and together they
embark on an amazing journey through this fantastic roller-coaster ride called life along with all of it's
side affects.
Natasha Blaxk
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