Monday, October 13, 2014

Blood Promise Review

3/5 ☆☆☆

This book may not have been as exciting as the first three books,
but it was definitely important
because we get to see some serious
 character development on Rose's part.

Yes she is still the same old Rose
bad ass,
but we see a lot of maturity is some of the things she does.

Unlike when we first met her,
she no longer believe she can take on the world on her own. 
She knows that there are much stronger, bigger, and badder things out there then her.
she understands the importance of working with others and she
also learns a few more things about her world.

She takes things in and access the situation she is in before making her moves
and that is something she teaches a bunch of rogue Dhampir's she meets while in Russia
She is no longer by Lissa's side and although it is a strain on both of them this alone time
helps the girls to grow and deal with issues they so dearly need to handle.

For rose it's her resentment towards Lissa
 Not being able to be with who she wanted to be with,
 not being able to live her own life,
 and always having to put Lissa's needs and safety before her own.
All of these things make it hard for Rose to be around Lissa especially now that the love of her life is,
for all intents and purposes, dead.

Now we all know
- from reading the previous book -
 that the main reason for Rose leaving the academy is so that she can keep her promise
and not let Dimitri live his life as a strigoi.
And although she has learned a lot since coming back to the academy
and taking out a few strigoi of her own
 this promise might be one that she
 can not keep, and if she is not careful she might end up facing and fate worse than death.

Natasha Blaxk

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