2.5/5 ☆☆
How very Twilight of the book to have a centuries old immortal
fall in love with a mortal only to the have his enemies tear them apart by trying to destroy one or both of them.

We have the loving and supportive siblings of immortals
and may I just say that Nathaniel and Abigail are so Rosalie in this story.
Too bad daddy isn't Carlisle he's so mean.
Honestly though I felt like all four twilight books were jammed into this.
minus the whole baby thing.
I didn't hate the book, but Gahhh I felt like I was reading a quick and very vague version of Twilight.
I mean I absolutely love Twilight, but geez

Cora = Alice
Joseph = less intense Jasper
Patrick = Emmit
Nathaniel = Rosalie
Abigail = Rosalie diet with a hint of Esme
And our main lovers here William and Bryn are so the Edward and Bella of this story.
I fell their relationship is way more emotional then our vampire lovers from Twilight.
Unlike Edward in New Moon William is less willing to leave his love
behind "in order to protect her"
Sorry Edward, but I would rather have William by my side instead of you.
Bryn, like Bella, can not understand why someone as amazing as William
(in Bella's case Edward) would love her. Talk about insecurities!
Although, Bryn is a bit more feistier than Bella
they're both magnets for trouble and completely accident prone.
What I like about Bryn is that she is clever and almost everything that comes out of her mouth is laced with sarcasm and I love it.
But like I said
Twilight minus the whole vampire thing.
I am pretty sure that these immortals are some form of angels,
but so far they just call themselves Immortals.

I know right! Very original.
Well I gave this story a two and a half stars, because it somewhat intrigued me
(maybe because I am a Twi-hard)
but it was a way to simple and very unoriginal except for the whole making an immortal thing
that seemed pretty original
(I think)
Well so far I am interested enough to read the next book so let's see how it turns out
I doubt it can get anymore Twilight-Zone
(Haha! Get it? I know, I know corny, but whatevs)
Natasha Blaxk
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